If you're considering having your agent hold an open house to help market your house, it can also be an open invitation to prying eyes. To keep your personal life, personal, here are several steps you would be well advised to take to help "snoop-proof" your house from prospective buyers and their agents.
- Clear away mail and paperwork from all surfaces (i.e., desks, kitchen countertops, etc.). Lock up extra-sensitive documents such as bank statements, passports and checkbooks.
- Remove diplomas and personal photos from your walls.
- Store family heirlooms. You don't want your personal effects to distracty buyers. A tidy and uncluttered house will help buyers imagine themselves in the house.
- Organize closets. Some visitors have no qualms about opening closets and cabinets and peeking into other generally off-limit areas. Be prepared by making sure those hidden areas are in tip-top shape.
- Remove all prescription drugs.