Kitsap County On-Site Sewage (OSS) Regulations
Hey potential sellers, or those "thinking about it"...
The Kitsap County Health Department (KCHD) click here will finally begin to use Washington State Health Department guidelines for standard gravity septic systems effective September 1, 2008.
Regulations for alternative (pressurized) systems have been used by KCHD for at least five years.
"On sewer," probably not applicable. However...if you're not "on sewer," then you're "on septic" so check out this link to read and/or print the pamphlet that provides some very good background information about the use and care of a septic system if you're "on septic."
The only difference for you homeowners on gravity systems is that you will be required to obtain a "health letter" from the KCHD before you transfer title (sell) your home. Again, this requirement begins September 1, 2008. The cost will be $202.00, paid to the KCHD. In order to obtain the "health letter," your septic tank must have been pumped recently.